Important Questions To Ask Before Hiring An MSP For Backup Services

Best practices in data Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) are consistently evolving. Businesses, especially those on the smaller end, are discovering that investments they made five or ten years ago are no longer adequate security. Many also lack sufficient on-site...

What Businesses Need To Know About Security In 2015

There has been a data security arms race dating back to at least the 1970s. In recent years, however, that arms race has escalated steeply, with many global hacking and black-hat activist groups deploying increasingly sophisticated and wide-spread attacks that are...

Security Imperatives for Communications Service Providers

For years, communications service providers (CSPs) have ridden the crest of the wave; business was booming, and sales were good. During the last decade, Internet usage exploded as the number of users grew from 745 million to 3,035 million. CSPs could be forgiven for...

Comparing the Benefits of the Public, Private, and Internal Clouds

Corporate IT managers have many choices when considering IT infrastructure and data storage requirements: the public cloud, the private cloud, and/or in-house cloud solutions. As cloud solutions have matured, earlier reservations that some had about reliable access...

5 Tips for Finding the Best Cloud Provider

Cloud provider solutions sometimes try to make one size fit all, but not all plans are created equal. A large corporation has different needs than a small company, so what works for one may require adjustments from another. Not all adjustments are efficient or...